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The Lawyer's Edge

Mar 26, 2024

Professional opportunities abound for women lawyers, yet many women hesitate to pursue their dream of starting and owning a law practice. Many of those who do take the leap still struggle with building their business into a saleable asset that supports their lifestyle (both now and in retirement).

Before my guest,...

Mar 19, 2024

Do you struggle to connect with audiences in your public speaking engagements and legal presentations? You can continue to struggle or learn how to be a more engaging and memorable presenter.

Valerie Madamba knew she had to overcome a huge learning curve as a public speaker if she wanted to be happy and successful as a...

Mar 12, 2024

Those first travelers making their way West did so without a roadmap. But in taking the opportunity, they paved the way for the nation’s expansion.

That spirit of the West is very much rooted in Tara Stingley and the Nebraska law firm of which she is a partner. As the first woman to serve on Cline Williams’...

Mar 5, 2024

Are you up late at night, pulling all-nighters, and burning out from the fast-paced nature of your job as a lawyer? 

As a former litigator, Charlène Gisèle loved all of it! She reveled in the things you’re not supposed to love. While she was thriving in her environment, though, she got a wake-up call that made her...